Seminář itSM Prakticky Brno Speciál

Datum konání4. 12. 2018 16:00
Místo konáníHoliday Inn Brno
AdresaOsadní 46/41, 17000 Praha

„Every IT organization should act as a service provider” Truth or myth?

Best practices like ITIL, IT4IT, VeriSM, COBIT and also ISO norms are built on axiom, that service provisioning model is the best known management model, thus advising all IT managers to follow service management practices. Nevertheless human knowledge evolves, isn’t static, digital transformation is changing paradigm on traditional management practices, disrupting existing and well rooted patterns of working.

We will share some provoking ideas, challenging widely used principles, and draft key questions and answers so workshop participants may think over, whether the headline is truth statement.

Presentation: Zdenek Kvapil, Jonathan Boyd (presentation and workshop is in English)


16:00 – 17:00  Registration, social networking
17:00 – 19:00  Workshop