ITSM Prakticky – From idea to realization: when time to market matters

Datum konání9. 12. 2021 17:00
Místo konáníonline přes aplikaci ZOOM


Any great idea stays great only when it is possible to realize it in an acceptable time to start harvesting its business value. Then it brings a desired effect and justifies spent investments in decision makers eyes. Thus, speed in which ideas and demands can be transformed into manageable chunks of work and then implemented, tested, and deployed is crucial.


We will discuss together several areas affecting time to market to explore what is helping to speed up the idea to realization and what is oppositely putting the biggest roadblocks. We will touch the following topics and mutually share real-life experience in the given areas:

–              ITIL 4 and finding a balance between structure and agility

–              Effective innovation, idea, and demand managements

–              IT Business Management and Agile Development

–              Citizen development


Speaker Jan Procházka:

Jan has more than two decades of professional experience in the IT industry, and for the last five and a half years has focused exclusively on ServiceNow projects. Working as a Principal ServiceNow Consultant, Jan has joined the most elite group of ServiceNow experts in the world – he has successfully completed ServiceNow’s Certified Master Architect programme. Jan often faces situations when customers need help to address complex demands in multiple business areas and make strategic decisions impacting their organization for years to come. Experience from numerous real-world projects empowers him to take a holistic architectural view of ServiceNow implementations.